Thousands of LG representatives protest in front of Punjab Asssembly
Lahore(23 April, 2019)
Elected local government representatives from across the province gatherered in front of Punjab assembly on Tuesday to protest against government intentions to dissolve elected local governments by PTI government prematurely before completion of thier tenure.Protesters who were thousands in numbers including women were chanting slogans against PTI government which is going to introduce amendments in local governments which will empower bureaucracy at district level and abolish district councils and district chairman post which will pave complete bureaucratic rule at district level.The protest was organised by Local Council Addocition of Punjab.
Speaking on this occasion President LCAP Mrs Fouzia in her hard hitting speech threatened that protest will continue till acceptance of their demands.She termed PTI govt proposed amendments Zin Local govt law as undemocratic and un constitutional.
Meanwhile PTI khyber pakhtukhwa also introduced Local govt amendment bill 2019 in provincial assembly on tuesday which seeks to abolish District councils amd District nazim post and making Deputy commissioner as head of district administrationocal council Sssociation Kbyber pakhtunkhwa and opposition parties in the provicisl assembly have rejected the proposed amemdments as unconstitutionsl and anti people.LXA Kzp also plan to protest in ftont of provincial assembly and also challenge it in Sipperior judiciary once it is passed into law.